Safe Space

We just want a safe space to be

A place to call home

A place we can hear our inner voice

A place we can fall in rhythm with our breath

A place where our thoughts dissolve and our love guides

A place our bodies can rest and rise with purpose

A place we can feel our laughter connecting us to a fresh new moment

We just want a safe space to dissolve the debris that was collected along the way and return to a place of light and joy

May we find that this place exists within us and may we find a safe space with others

*Support is essential to our human experience. There are resources available for little to no cost. Please consider utilizing some of the ones provided below. You are always welcome to reach out to me directly.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 988
NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness -
American Foundation of Suicide Prevention –
Tavia Avila –


In Honor of My Brother